BOOK NOW for the Story Room May to hear from Elizabeth Jane & 5 other inspirational speakers!!

Storytellers will speak on the topic:
‘Hidden Gems’

May 7th – doors open at 6pm
Tickets are $35

BUY TICKETS NOW: click on the link in our Bio

An eternal optimist who believes obstacles are opportunities, Elizabeth has always enjoyed uplifting people. Just recently, she has found her true joy in creating, whether interior or landscaping design, painting, poetry, or writing. She believes that creative therapy is the best way to unlock your joy and true potential to live your best life

Other Storytellers include:

Clare Edwards – professional storyteller, coach and trainer

Rob Manning – cancer survivor, organ recipient and environmentalist

Simon Feldman – motivational speaker

Dr Kerstin Pilz – author, former academic, TEDx speaker, yoga teacher and retreat leader

Carolyn Swindell – comedian and author

@BeingBrainSmart @puffycee @simon.feldman.52

Best venue ever @buckettys in Brookvale

Hosted by @karenlsander

##inspirational #professional #storytellers #actor #share #emotion #comedian #author #learning #leadership #curecancer #oncology #cancer #organdonor #writer #performance #emotional #intelliegence #community #event #buckettys #storyroom
